10 April | RESEARCH PAPERS A | admin
Vitamin D Reduction of F. Induced Embro-Toxicity In Rats.
See also ⇓
Ameliorative Effects of Quercetin on Sodium Fluoride –
Induced Oxidative Stress in Rat’s Kidney
These findings suggest that Vitamin
‘D’ significantly reduced the severity
and incidence of fluoride-induced
embryo toxicity in rats.
Original ⇒ HERE
See also ⇓

Jai Research Foundation,
Vapi, Valvada 396 108, India
Oral administration of sodium fluoride (40 mg/kg body weight) from day 6 to 19 of gestation caused, as comparedto control, significant reductions in body weight, feed consumption, absolute uterine weight and number of implantations. Significantly higher incidenceof skeletal (wavy ribs, 14th rib, <6 sternal centre, dumbell-shaped second and fifth sternebrae, incompleteossification of skull and thickening of tibia) and visceral (subcutaneous haemorrhage) abnormalities were also observed in NaF-treated dams than that of control.
Oral administration of vitamin C (50 mg/kg bodyweight) and vitamin E (2 mg/0.2 ml olive oil/animal/day) from day 6 to 19 of gestation along with NaF significantly ameliorates NaF-induced reductions in body weight, feed consumption, absolute uterine weight (only with vitamin E treatment) and number of implantations. As compared with NaF-treated alone, the total percentage of skeletal and visceral abnormalities were significantly lowered in fluoride plus vitamin C-treated animals. Vitamin E was less effective.
These findings suggest that Vitamin ‘C’ significantly reduced the severity and incidence of fluoride-induced embryo toxicity in rats.
[ Note: Rats rats are more resistant to fluoride damage
as unlike humans they manufacture vitamin “C” ]
[ A dose of 175 ppm of fluoride is required
for rats to equal 1 ppm for humans. ]
Key Words: fluoride • vitamins • embryo toxicity • amelioration
Human & Experimental Toxicology, Vol. 20, No. 12, 619-623 (2001)
See also our info on Zebra fish
as research animals ⇒ HERE