Guidelines for Use of Fluorides in Australia:
Update 2019 National Oral Health Promotion Clearinghouse,
Australian Research Centre for Population Oral Health +
In research studies, there are a number of reasons why the results may not be accurate or valid. These are called biases. Bias can come from poorly designed studies, or from problems in the collection, analysis, reporting, publishing or review of study data. Bias can lead to invalid results… “

A ) Reverse Osmosis water filters are now in many private Australian homes.
B ) Non-fluoridated cities receive food and bottled drinks
from fluoridated sources.
C ) Fluoridated cities receive food and bottled drinks from
non-fluoridated sources.
D ) Many country homes are not connected to the city mains supply,
they use rainwater, well water and or some bottled water.
E ) Movement of populations in and out of fluoridated and
non-fluoridaded areas will also distort research results.
F ) Absorption through skin-demal exposure – bathing/showering.
G ) Apoptosis and fluoride – A Norwegan study.
H ) Damage to collagen.
I ) Uneven distribution through city water mains.
J ) Contaminants in fluorosilicic acid: lead, arsenic, mercury,
cadmium, chromium, copper, thallium, selenium,
barium and Polonium 210
A The legal implications
B More legal
C Fluoridation should attract a criminal sanction .
K ) The use of old research from geographic areas with no industrial
fluoride emissions, e.g. coal burning power stations, and smelting industries.
L ) Other sources of fluoride: fluoridated pharmaceuticals, fluoroquinolones toothpaste, crop sprays, (herbicides, fungicides,) household insecticides, fluoride in P.F.O.A.s, teflon, food wrappers , foods and beverages e.g. teas.
M ) Because fluorides are highly reactive and are antagonists of zinc, magnesium,
iodine ♦, vitamin C, and numerous other essential
minerals and vitamins, the nutritional status of communities and
individuals needs to be taken into consideration.
The report does not mention, or consider this aspect. It is these complicated reactions with fluorides that make it responsible for so many human and animal illnesses that this report omits, denies, fails to mention, or its authors are unaware of.
N ) Fluoridation Increases Lead Absorption In Children.
O ) Contaminates in the fluoride products are bad enough, See (J above), but fluorides strip lead from water pipes and fittings.
We from ‘Fluoridation Australia’ have been studying these reactions
for a long time, and we are still learning.
We do not expect you to have a definitive understanding of all these
chemical actions and reactions; fluorine is a complicated reactive element, but your failure to deal with so many of them may involve you in litigation in the future. – Ignorance is no excuse in law.
P ) ( Chlorine should not be used in drinking water. It needs to be replaced with the more effective and safer Chlorine dioxide.
see The Safe Drinking Water Act signed into law by President Gerald Ford USA, – December 1974. )
Q ) Global warming will cause populations to drink more water and
correspondingly be exposed to more fluorides.
R ) Fluorides damage DNA
S ) A few nations that did experiment with fluoridation are
abandoning the procedure. (Is Australia to be the last one?)
T ) ♦ Fluorides being antagonists of iodine is sufficient justification to cease fluoridation immediately. This is so well known as to have us all wondering why the medical profession and NHMRC, did not protest before water fluoridation commenced.
1] Fluorine inhibits iodine needed by the thyroid gland, hence a
deficit of thyroxin and an inability to metabolize sugars.
2] Iodine is the most important element for kidney function.
3] The brain can’t develop without iodine. The classic name for such shortfall is cretinism. A baby without iodine will be mentally retarded.
4] The trace element iodine is essential for the metabolism of fats,
it helps with the assimilation of phosphorus and the utilization of calcium. Iodine must have the mineral selenium to make the thyroid work properly.
The 2016 Draft Report is an example of poor analyses that
cannot be acceptable as a serious independent scientific
research paper.
The authors have skilfully assembled this report to reach
their intended rasorial conclusions.
We suspect this was only possible by knowingly ignoring
research from other global authorities, e.g. India, China,
Iran, and Queensland. and failing to include the above list
of fluoride contaminating sources, heavy metals, chemical
inter-reactions, poor collection and analysis, and DNA
damage that impose an unknown total load on the health of the unsuspecting Australian population.
The NHMRC 2016 Draft Report is invalid by its own definitions.
Our quoted examples of bias are sufficient but not comprehensive.
“There are three kinds of lies:
Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics.”
– Mark Twain ~
P. S.
“Fluoride is NOT a therapeutic good?
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is the
Australian regulator responsible for making sure
that therapeutic goods used to prevent or manage
health conditions in Australia are safe and of
good quality. Fluoridated drinking water
is not considered to be a therapeutic
good or medicine by the TGA. [???]
Health Issues Prompt Australian Review
Emeritus Professor Judith Whitworth,
Ms Debra Petrys, Professor Sharon Goldfeld,
Professor Vicki Anderson, Professor Dallas English,
Professor Mathew Gillespie, Professor Alison Jones,
Emeritus Professor A. John Spencer, Professor Clive Wright,
Associate Professor Frederic Leusch, Professor Wendy Rogers,
Doctor Meenakshi Arora, Associate Professor Stephen Corbett,
Professor Mike Morgan, Adjunct Professor Kaye Roberts-Thomson,
Therapeutic drugs containing fluoride ⇒ HERE
3 August 2017
A damning critique and analysis of the NHMRC’s 2017
“Sham” review of water fluoridation and appeal for Royal Commission Inquiry:
23 Reasons why Australia needs a Royal Commission into the
NHMRC’s fraudulent fluoride review.
by Merilyn Haines
Mr Alan Singh’s Letter
Fluoridation is Mass Medication,
New Zealand Supreme Court Rules
The NHMRC refuses to acknowledge any harm caused by
fluorides, except for dental fluorosis which is
visible and it trivialises.