27 July | Fluoridation Legality - Rulings & Challenges | admin
The True Legacy Of Donald Trump !
A Threat To Israel’s Exports
Israeli Supreme Court Backs Work of
Irish Scientist on Fluoride:
The court’s ruling is remarkable in that
it goes even further
than the decision taken earlier
by Yael German.
Irish Scientist Assists
in Supreme Court
Ruling Ending
Fluoridation in Israel
⇑ ⇑ ⇑
The $4 billion NIS class action
($500 NIS for each Israeli citizen),
accuses “Mekorot” of providing the Israeli
citizens with false information regarding
their drinking water content and
causing environmental damage
for the past 10 years.
Fluoridation is part of ‘his religion’
— that is why he is on this post !
Comments on Drinking Water Safety:
Yaakov Litzman – יַעֲקֹב נָח לִיצְמָן
‘ Smart people can & do say stupid things! ‘
He vigorously opposed the introduction of warning labels on
cigarette packages. Litzman has recently come under scrutiny
for other policies and statements that seemed to serve
the interests of the tobacco companies, including
hindering some efforts to curb cigarette ads.
– Smoking is a big problem in Israel!
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
Prof. Fernando Stein
[ Smart people are not well informed on every science! ]
Visited Israel to attend the annual conference of the Israel Pediatric Emergency Medicine Society in Tel Aviv. The article noted that the AAP has “a firm stand in favour of fluoridation of drinking water, which in Israel was halted by objections from then-health minister Yael German some years ago and has NOT yet been restored by her successor Ya’aKov Litzman due to litigation and bureaucracy…”
His support for fluoridation undermines
all his expertise. – Is he ignorant or corrupt?
* Yael German served as Minister of Health
from March 2013 until December 2014.
In April 2013, shortly after Yael German became health minister,
she approved new regulations, formulated in accordance with the recommendations of the Adin Committee, ending mandatory fluoridation in Israel.
On 26 August 2014, the regulations were to come into effect
(State of Israel Ministry of Health 2014).
‘The Fluoride Action Network’ paid to have a
professional translation of the Court’s ruling:
High Court Case Number 8173/12
See it here. 
‘Syrian Missile’ Strikes Near
Israel’s Dimona Nuclear Reactor
Water Fluoridation and Vaccinations
are Contrary to Torah Principles
See also ⇓
[Some Major World Religions Are Against Fluoridation.]
↓ Letter from Nachum Jacobs ↓
Fluoridation – Israel – Nachum Jacobs
Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth,
but by washing away from it all that is not gold.
~ Leo Tolstoy
The $4 billion NIS class action ($500 NIS for each Israeli citizen), accuses “Mekorot” of providing the Israeli citizens with false information regarding their drinking water content and causing environmental damage for the past 10 years.
Original ⇓
[ Credit to ‘Fluoridation Action Network’ for this article. ]
Just 6 months ago an appeal to the Israeli supreme court to ban fluoridation was filed, and now a new “bomb” in the fight against fluoridation, falling on the desk of Israels’ water supplier – Mekorot.
A class action has been filed today against “Mekorot” by “Dan Ashkenazi & Associates“ law firm on behalf of Yaacov Gurman – head of the NPO “Izun Hozer”.
The $4 billion NIS class action ($500 NIS for each Israeli citizen), accuses “Mekorot” of providing the Israeli citizens with false information regarding their drinking water content and causing environmental damage for the past 10 years.
The main claim of the appeal is that while the Ministry of Health mandates “Mekorot” to add fluoride to Israels’ water supply, “Mekorot” which is responsible for the drinking water quality, has instead added many industrial chemical waste, which among other pollutants included fluoride, and has kept this inconvenient fact from public knowledge and scrutiny.
The second accusation is that while “Mekorot” claims to monitor the quality of drinking water, in the case of fluoridation “Mekorot” itself had no accurate knowledge of the precise chemical content of “fluoride” it added to the drinking water.
Mr Yaacov Gurman, who has filed the lawsuit says that the purpose of the class action is to force “Mekorot” to openly publish the precise content of the “hydrofluorosilicic acid” which it adds as “fluoride “ to Israels’ drinking water.
To the best of our knowledge this is the first class action of its kind in the world, and the and the fact that it has been filed only five months after the appeal to the supreme court, (an appeal to which the Ministry of Health continuously fails to respond ), serves to show the intensity of the civil fight in Israel against water fluoridation.
As well, it is no coincidence that the lawsuit has been filed only days after the new health minister Yael German has signed the new water regulations that state that fluoridation will stay in effect for next year.
The continuation of fluoridation for one more year will cause environmental as well as health damage to millions of Israelis and we, together with “Izun Hozer” have made it clear to the new Health Minister that we will not “go to sleep” and instead will continue the civil battle for public health against the barbarous act of fluoridation.
Here is the announcement published by Yaacov Gurman regarding the lawsuit:
“Good afternoon, this morning I have filed a class action in the name of all of the citizens of Israel, for 4 billion NIS against “Mekorot”, for misleading the public in its official announcements and for hiding information regarding the materials that it inserts to the drinking water under “fluoridation”. The lawsuit was filed by “Dan Ashkenazi & Associates” who also filed the recent appeal to the Supreme Court regarding banning fluoridation.
On Thursday 11/4/13 we were told that fluoridation will continue for at least one more year. The purpose of the class action is to force “Mekorot” to openly and clearly disclose to the public the precise content of the materials added to the water, without misleading or hiding information.
This past weekend the headlines in the newspapers stated:
“The Health Minister decided to end water fluoridation” but the fact is that most of the people in Israel will continue to drink fluoridated water this year, contaminated with dangerous, disease causing industrial residues.
That is why we hope that the Supreme Court will not be fooled by the headlines and will order an immediate stop to fluoridation. We at “Izun Hozer” are doing everything within our means to inform the public and stop this continual malpractice, which has been going on for more than a decade.
For all those years, “Mekorot” was aware of adding to the water “hydrofluorosilicic acid”, coming from the phosphate fertilizer industry, yet has kept this fact hidden from the public. I am thus forced to file this class action, as it is the only way to force “Mekorot”, the main water supplier in Israel, to correct its wrong doing, and report accurately what is in our drinking water.
I personally have drank tap water during these past ten years, and have even convinced my 4 months pregnant wife that tap water is safe and that there was nothing to worry about. I believed, (until beginning to study the subject ) that the quality of the drinking water in Israel was among the highest in the world.
I do not want my children to ask me in twenty years – “ Dad, how could you possibly have let this thing happen??” and I will be forced to answer that “ I didn’t know, it is not me, it’s the State, it’s “Mekorot”, it’s the water suppliers, sorry…”
There IS something very wrong going on, and it is planned to go for at least one more year. I will not step aside and be quiet for one more year with the information and understanding that I have.
Water fluoridation is a clear and immediate danger, and “Mekorot” is not doing what it must do to protect the public from it.
Wishing you continual health,
Translated by Niv Dor-Cohen, CEO and chief editor of the “Different Truth”
Anat Gesser-Edelsburg, PhD, Head of Health Promotion Department, School of Public Health, University of Haifa,
and Dr. Yaffa Shir-Raz report that “In this study, we argue that the policy makers themselves carry out what they accuse others [fluoridation opposers] of doing. They share only partial, biased information in order to support their case, and convey information in terms that misrepresent the actual situation.”
Full text
The Fluoride Deception
+ 50 more interviews 
Fluoridation is Mass Medication,
New Zealand Supreme Court Rules
In INDIA 6 million children and
60 million adults suffer from Fluorosis
The Hoopoe – Israel’s National Bird