16 Oct Westendorf’s Research On Silicofluorides + Coplan & Masters
HISTORY, Uncategorised | adminFluoride In Tea Info On Ten Major Fluorides Molecular Basis of CLC Transporter Inhibition by Fluoride ...
Fluoride In Tea Info On Ten Major Fluorides Molecular Basis of CLC Transporter Inhibition by Fluoride ...
READ MORE"Sir Richard Doll ♦♦ was paid by chemical companies. He denied the carcinogenic effects of Agent Orange. Though some people may have been shocked, I was not surprised at all. Doll was one of the fervent promoters of fluoridation...
READ MOREProfessor Martin's claim that, although there are nearly two thousand known places in the U.S.A. where water is naturally fluoridated, and that "some have 12 or 13 parts per million—with no adverse effects and with a markedly high standard of dental health," - is simply propaganda...
READ MORESee also: Chronology of Fluoridation by Val Valerian Fluoride affects more than just developing teeth. Even ingested water and vegetation contaminated by fluoride from volcanic gases and ash and can cause painful arthritic effects. ↓ ORIGINAL HERE ↓ How We Got Fluoridated by Philip Heggen ...
READ MOREContrary to what has been said by promoters of artificial fluoridation of public water supplies, Judge Flaherty’s jurisdiction to make and enter his findings on November 16, 1978 was expressly sustained and upheld. — CITY SUED OVER FLUORIDATION — Judge John P. Flaherty, [ on right ♦] Now a Supreme...
READ MOREhttp://whale.to/d/smith_b.html . In Britain, the location of HF manufacturing plants are, according to the Health and Safety Executive, officially secret - to prevent them becoming targets for terrorists. The major industries with fluoride pollution problems include: coal-burning power stations, petro-chemical refineries, aluminium, zinc, copper, beryllium and magnesium producing factories, steel mills, fertilizer works, plastics manufacturers, glass factories, cement works, pottery and tile makers, brick works, chemical...
READ MOREPhosphate Mining - Togo Phosphate Mining - Togo Florida phosphate mines produce 30% of the world supply and 75% of the U.S. supply of phosphate fertilizers, upwards of 1.2 million tons in 2013. . See also by the same author ⇓ FLUORIDE THE PHOSPHATE CONNECTION . [ This is a long read, but worth your...
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