Macquarie University’s Lead in Plumbing Products

–  Macquarie University –


From Australian Building Codes Board


Fluorosilicate is the same as powdered Silicofluoride.
In Australia, by law only 3 chemicals are allowed for water fluoridation.
One liquid, hydrofluorosilicic acid (HFSA), with a formula of H2SiF6.

Two are powdered, Sodium Fluoride (NaF) and Sodium Fluorosilicate (NaSiF6), which is a silicofluoride, as it has silicon in the formula..

NB – silicofluorides can leach lead from any brass fittings in domestic plumbing and also Council water assets.

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There are now official recommendations to lower the
lead content in Australian plumbing fixtures by 2025.

During the transition period between 1 September 2022
and 1 September 2025 plumbing practitioners may continue to install existing products as well as those with a reduced level of lead, providing the products are all certified in accordance with the WaterMark Certification Scheme.

“However, from 1 September 2025 only products that
are compliant with the lead requirements of
the NCC will be authorised for use.”


This is in place after a report put out by the Macquarie University, about lead leaching into drinking water.
The report never mentions silicofluorides, but in the references there are 2 studies linking lead leaching to silicofluorides.

The ABCB commissioned Macquarie University in 2018 to undertake a literature review to determine to what extent plumbing products may contribute to lead levels in drinking water in excess of those permitted by the Australian Drinking Water Quality Guidelines.

Macquarie University’s Lead in Plumbing Products and Materials Report (the Report) confirmed that, although Australia’s drinking water is of a high quality and meets the Australian Drinking Water Quality Guidelines, there is potential for lead to leach from copper alloy plumbing products in contact with drinking water..

In response to the Report’s findings, the ABCB released a Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) for public consultation. 

The RIS analysed whether the allowable lead content in plumbing products should be reduced, and assessed alternatives to address the issue. The Decision RIS was used to assist the ABCB in deciding to reduce the allowable level of lead in certain plumbing products…

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Note: No Mention Of Fluorides?