04 April | FLUORIDE & HEALTH | admin
The diagram shows the change of the percentage
of female cancer deaths before and after the
introduction of water fluoridation in Basle.
Switzerland Ends Fluoridation After 41 Years
Relations Between Water Fluoridation & Cancer In
Man & Animals & Effectiveness In USA & EUROPE
© Rudolf Ziegelbecker
Extract from the above web site
Relations Between Water Fluoridation and Cancer
in man and animals and Effectiveness
in USA and Europe.
© by Rudolf Ziegelbecker, Graz
Elevated Cancer Increments In Basle
After The Introduction Of Water Fluoridation
…Also water fluoridation in Basle is useless, as shown by KREUZER and myself (ZIEGELBECKER) at the SGSG-conference in Basle on 2 December 1989. The lessening of dental caries in Basle results from other reasons than fluoridation. The analyses of cancer data, however, which were made available to me by the sanitary department, yielded (in agreement with the results from far more comprehensive data from the USA) an alarming connection between fluoridation and cancer deaths in Basle. The diagram shows the change of the percentage of female cancer deaths among the female citizens over time, before and after the introduction of water fluoridation in Basle. During the 13 years before water fluoridation (1950-1962) the increase factor of the percentage of female cancer deaths was about 2.38. After introduction of the drinking water fluoridation (in May 1962) the increase factor raised in the following 21 years almost suddenly to 39.74 which is the 16-times larger value! With the males the situation is similar, the increase factor raised during the same time from 23.58 to 49.7.
3. Erhöhte Krebszuwächse in Basel nachEinführung der Fluoridierung:Auch die Basler Wasserfluoridierung istnutzlos, wie von KREUZER und mir auf der Basler SGSG-Tagung am 2. Dez. 1989gezeigt wurde. Der Kariesrückgang in Basel hat andere Gründe als dieFluoridierung.
Wohl aber ergab die Analyse der mir vom Sanitätsdepartement zurVerfügung gestellten Krebsdaten (in Übereinstimmung mit den Ergebnissen aus weitumfangreicheren Daten aus denUSA) einen besorgniserregenden Zusammenhangzwischen der Fluoridierung und den Krebstodesfällen in Basel.
Das nachfolgendeDiagramm zeigt die zeitliche Änderung des Anteils der weiblichen Krebstoten ander weiblichen Bevölkerung vor und nach Einführung der Wasserfluoridierung inBasel. In den 13 Jahren vor der TWF (1950-1962) lag der Zuwachsfaktor desAnteils weibliche Krebstoter bei 2,38. Nach Einführung der TWF (im Mai 1962)erhöhte sich der Zuwachsfaktor in den folgenden 21 Jahren (1963-1983) nahezuschlagartig auf 39,74; also um das 16-fache. Bei den Männern ist es ähnlich: DerZuwachsfaktor stieg in der gleichen Zeit von 23,58 auf 49,7 an. Fazit:Die falschen Lehrmeinungen über die Fluoridierung gehören dringendkorrigiert, die Zensur der Kritik und der Boykott durch dieZahnärzte organisationen und “Fluorkommissionen” abgeschafft. Die Fortsetzung dernutzlosen und Fluorose- sowie Krebs fördernden, gesundheitsbelastenden Trinkwasser fluoridierung in Basel erscheint unverantwortlich.
Résumé: The wrong doctrines about fluoridation should be urgently corrected, the censorship of critique and the boycott by dentists’ organizations and “fluoridation commissions” must be abolished. The continuation (remark: water fluoridation was stopped in Basle in 2003) of the [ineffectiveness of] effectless fluoridaton in Basle which promotes fluorosis and cancer and strains health appears to be [irresponsible?] unresponsible.
More details from the attached Compendium of Summaries number 57, p.45: Bei den 50 -69-jährigen Baslern war die Krebstodesrate vor Beginn der TWF überhaupt fallendund ist dieser Trend nach Einführung der TWF in einen steigenden Trend an Krebstotenumgeschlagen.
For 50-69 years old people from Basle the cancer death rate was declining before water fluoridation and has changed to a raising trend of cancer deaths after introduction of the drinking water fluoridation.
4. Material sent to the EFSA by my father (who died in January 2009) already in 2006 which contains a heavy critique of the EU’s Scientific Committees’ “Opinions” on the tolerable upper intake level of fluorides, and in details even more competent information needed for an objective risk assessment of chemicals used for drinking water fluoridation – if desired I could send this material also to you.
Rudolf Ziegelbecker Jr.
German version: FluoridBSTW
Fluorid im Basler Trinkwasser
Gemeinsame Untersuchung des Kantonalen Labors
Basel-Stadt und des Wasserlabors IWB
“…Fluoride is a “sabotage toxin“ with the
property that by inhibiting enzymes
people may die from problems
with other organs without
fluoride being discovered
as the true cause…”
~ Rudolf Ziegelbecker
Obituary ⇒ Rudolf Ziegelbecker
Fluoride & Ovarian Cancer
And more on cancer and fluoride ⇓
