Home / 2016 Climate Science Cuts Controversy +
General George Patton is reputed
to have said:
“ If everyone is thinking alike,
then someone is not thinking.”

See also:

Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organisation
Main Document 

See full implications 
2016 Climate Science Cuts
Controversy And Subsequent
Partial Restoration [edit]
In February 2016 the chief executive of CSIRO, Dr Larry Marshall, announced that research into the fundamentals of climate science was no longer a priority for CSIRO and up to 110 jobs were feared to be cut from the climate research section(s) of the Oceans and Atmosphere Unit.
After overwhelming negative reaction both within Australia and overseas, along with the forced redundancy of prominent climate scientists including the internationally renowned sea level expert Dr John Church, the Australian Government intervened with a directive and promise of new money to support the restoration of 15 jobs and the creation of a new Climate Science Centre to be based in Hobart with a staff of 40, with funding guaranteed for 10 years from 2016, although the expected number of job losses for O&A was still estimated at 75. While the establishment of the new Centre was described as a “major U-turn in the direction of the CSIRO“[6] and a win for the Turnbull government over the previous CSIRO announcement, the generally positive reaction from other scientists was qualified by the fact that the new Centre would still represent a net loss to CSIRO’s previous capability in this area.
A more detailed account of this episode is available elsewhere on Wikipedia –
“…CSIRO’s climate models
are among the best in the world…“

“Some people are not happy about
exposing fluoride as a pollutant ! “

The Last Passenger Pigeon
Died In Captivity In 1914, Is The
CSIRO Going The Way –

Ectopistes migratorius
At the start of the 19th century, the passenger
pigeon was the most common bird in
North America, and possibly the
entire world, with a population
estimated at five billion.