inver-com.opening Hypothyroidism was caused more by high level
of fluoride than low levels of iodine.

Extract from:
“ Healing Is Voltage” by Jerry Tennant, MD, MD(H). PSc.,D
Pages 312 – 318 Chapter 6: Hypothyroidism

See our book list → HERE  Book # 49


It has been known since 1917 that fluoride causses goitres.

F.S. McKay, DDS, noted that people in Colorado Springs, Colorado, had mottled teeth. He also noticed that they didn’t get cavities

1918, Professor Greves in Utrech, Holland, noted that people who drank the local water got both mottled teeth and goiters (goiters are usually associated with hypothyroidism). It was later determined that the water in Colorado and Holland had high levels of naturally occurring fluoride. Mckay is credited with the idea of supplementing fluoride to prevent cavities. Unfortunately, trading a few cavities for heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, cancer, ect., is not a good trade.

1919, Goldemberg in Argentina also noted that people who drank the local water with high levels of fluoride developed goiters. He reviewed the literature and concluded that hypothyroidism was caused more by high level of fluoride than low levels of iodine. In 1926 he reported on his use of fluoride to treat hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroids).

1932, Machoro (Italy) used sodium fluoride in the successful treatment of hyperthyroidism, and in 1933, Gorlitzer von Mundy (Austria) reported more on fluoride’s effect on the thyroid.

The amount of fluoride they used to combat an overactive
thyroid is the same amount we put in our city water supply.
Thus we are treating almost our entire population with
a therapy known since 1926 to shut down thyroid function.

1934, Purjesz and colleagues (Poland) gave chicken eggs high in fluoride to hypertherthyroid patients and achieved lowering of body temperature, of pulse and BMR, as well as weigh gain. They reported that most of the fluoride is found in the liver; no fluoride is found in the blood of healthy people.

1937,  Kraft (Knoll AG, Germany) investigates inorganic sodium fluoride and organic fluoride compounds fluorobenzoic acid and fluotyrosine and reports that all fluoride compounds inhibit thyroid hormones. It is a matter of amplification –the fluoride component is essential.

1941,  Wilson (UK) reports in the Lancet on his findings that mottling of teeth is prevalent with goitre.

1941,  Schwarz (Germany) prepares fluoride/iodine anti-thyroid medications and combines with sedatives.

1946,  The Atomic Energy Commission (Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology- headed by Harold Carpenter Hodge, incomprehensibly at the time also head of the International Association for Dental Research)-acknowledges the German findings that all fluoride compounds-organic or inorganic-inhibit thyroid hormone activity and declares this issue a research priority. No further research into this issue is conducted, however.

1952,  In the court case Reynolds Metals Corp. versus Paul Martin hypothyroidism caused by fluoride is documented.

1953,  Wadwhani (India) reports that fluoride is concentrated in the thyroid glands of rats consuming 0.9mg fluoride per day.

1957,  Galetti et al. treat hyperthyroid patients with fluoride at daily dosed lower than those estimated being current average intake in the United States and documented a significant reduction in protein-bound iodine, as well as overall reduction of iodine uptake by the thyroid gland.

1959, Jentzer again shows reduced iodine levels in the pituitary gland under the influence of fluorides.

1960,  Gordinoff and Minder describe the results of experiments with radioactive iodine (I 131) which show that fluorides remove an iodine atom during the conversion process (T-4 to T-3). Effects are dose –responsive, meaning the higher the fluoride intake the lower the iodine measurements.

1962, Steyn (Africa) reports that drinking water containing “as little as 1 to 2 ppm of fluoride cane cause serious disturbances of general health and especially in normal thyroid gland function and in the normal processes of calcium-phosphate metabolism (parathyroid function)”

1962,  Spira reports on the fluoride-induces endocrine disturbances in mental illness.

1963,  Gorlitzer von Mundy reports on the (then) current knowledge gained from experiments by Gordonoff with I 131 as to how the effects of the enzymes responsible for the T4 to T-3 conversion were inhibited if a fluorine ion was absorbed before the conversion from T-4 to T-3 occurs.

1969,  Siddiqui shows small visible goiters in persons fourteen to seventeen years of age in India to be connected directly to high fluoride concentration in the drinking water.

1991,  Lin Fa-Fu et al. reports that a low iodine intake coupled with “high” (0.88ppm) fluoride intake exacerbates the central nervous lesions and the somatic developmental disturbances of iodine deficiency. The authors consider the possibility that “excess” fluoride ions affected normal de-iodination. Fluorides caused increase of reverse T-3 (rT-3) and elevated TSH levels, as well as increased I 131 uptake (see Bachinskii et al., 1985).

2008, Remember that fluoride damages collagen anywhere in the body. This is one of the reasons it is a major cause of heart attacks, back pain, weak knees, etc. I will discuss this in the chapter on heart disease…

This is a very small sample of the medical literature on the toxicity of fluoride.


Image of 3 Cretins