It does not take a Talmud Chacham to recognize
that drinking poison is not a kosher thing to do. 

Yaakov Litzman
“Yaakov Litzman, I don’t care how big his kippah or black his hat
(or how much all my fellow charedim insist he is a tzaddik).
He wants to undo the one genuinely good thing his predecessor
Yael Germain did as health minister, which is reintroduce
the poison fluoride to the water supply.”
Fluoridation is his toxic religion –
that is why he is in our ‘Rogues Gallery’
Safety of fluoridation of drinking water-Israel
⇑ Letter from Nachum Jacobs ⇑
Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth,
but by washing away from it all that is not gold.
Leo Tolstoy