Home / WA Standing Committee – Fluoridation – Kununuarra – Submission by Geoff Pain
Submission to:
The Western Australian Parliament Standing Committee On
Environment & Public Affairs Opposing Fluoridation
of Kununuarra Drinking Water
Presentation · September 2017
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34728.88321
Oppose fluoridation chemicals to public water supply in Kununurra,
DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.34728.88321Cite this publication
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34728.88321 ·Available from: Geoff Pain,
17 Nov. 2017
The Hon Matthew D Swinbourn MLC
Standing Committee on Environment and Public Affairs
Parliament of Western Australia
15 September 2017
Dear Sir,
Re Petition 016 tabled 15 August 2017
“Oppose Fluoridation Chemicals to Public Water
Supply in Kununurra”
Submitted by Principal Petitioner Danny Carter
I wish to support this petition as an interested party and former resident of Western Australia with family living there.
I was previously appointed by the Environment Minister of WA to her Panel of Experts and was commissioned to work for the Minister on some projects including investigation of the Brookdale Liquid Waste Treatment Plant and the proposed Kemerton facility to replace it.
My advice to close the former and not proceed with the latter was accepted.
I have actively studied Fluoride Toxicology since I was an undergraduate student, through my PhD and postdoctoral studies in Biochemistry and Chemistry. I have practical experience in handling extremely dangerous Fluoride compounds including Hydrogen Fluoride.
As space is limited, I refer your Committee to a number of reviews that I have published and which might appear as book chapters in the future. They cover the work of thousands of scientists who have helped to build the peer-reviewed literature on Fluoride Toxicology, a field producing approximately 10 new papers per week.
I would like also to draw to your attention a very recent publication by Australian reviewers “Blood Lead and preeclampsia: A meta-analysis and review of implications” Poropat A, Laidlaw M, Lanphear B, Ball A, Mielke HW. 2017.
They state: “Blood Lead concentrations in pregnant women are a major risk factor for preeclampsia, with an increase of 1 μg/dL lead/blood associated with a 1.6% increase in likelihood of preeclampsia, which appears to be the strongest risk factor for preeclampsia yet reported. Pregnant women with historical lead exposure should routinely have blood lead concentrations tested, especially after mid-term. Women with concentrations higher than 5 μg/dL should be actively monitored for preeclampsia and be advised to take prophylactic calcium supplementation. All pregnant women should be advised to actively avoid lead exposure.”
Preeclampsia kills over 60,000 women and many more foetuses each year.
Fluoridation directly adds Lead to the bloodstream of Western Australians through Fluoride enhanced Plumbosolvency.
It is unacceptable for public water supplies to be used as a conduit for disposal of Phosphate Fertilizer industrial waste in the form of crude HexaFluoroSilicic Acid (HFSA) also known by many synonyms.
It contains dangerous levels of Arsenic, Chromium, Lead, Mercury and numerous often poorly characterized carcinogenic and radioactive elements in addition to the Fluoride toxin.
I would be delighted to provide further support to the Committee in its deliberations.
Yours sincerely
Geoff Pain PhD BSC(Hons).
Dr Geoff N Pain
Consultant Scientist
A Quick Guide to Fluoride Harms
A Complete Waste of Money! Water Fluoridation Costs for England, 2013-2021
Fluoride is the major Cause of Cataract Blindness
Pain in the Gut – Fluoride Damage to the Gastrointestinal Tract
Submission to Health Select Committee New Zealand Parliament calling for Cessation of Water Fluoridation and
Permanent Immobilization of Toxic Fluoride Waste from Phosphate Fertilizer Manufacture
Fluoride is a developmental Nephrotoxin – coming to a Kidney near you
Mechanisms of Fluoride Neurotoxicity A quick guide to the literature
Fluoridation Causes Cancer, so does the Fluoride content of Tea
Fluoride causes Heart Disease, Stroke and Sudden Death
Fluoride is a bio-accumulative, endocrine disrupting, neurotoxic carcinogen – not a nutrient
Plumbosolvency exacerbated by Water Fluoridation
Fluoride Causes Diabetes https://www.researchgate.net/publication/273442062_Fluoride_Causes_Diabetes
Fluoride doped hydroxyapatite in soft tissues and cancer. A literature review.
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/272421380_Fluoride_doped_hydroxyapatite_in_soft_tissues_and_cance _ r_A_literature_review

♦ We at ‘Fluoridation Australia’ keep our own copy
of your submission, (off-line) in case the original is lost.
Thanks Geoff for your dedication to this topic.
See also ⇒ HERE