⇒ HERE ⇐

A jolly good read, recommended by us !
See also ⇒ HERE
Ben Goldacre, Doctor, Scientist, & Author
“Medicine is broken”
“What is not said.”
~ Ben Goldacre

Meanwhile ~
The Therapeutic Goods Administration:
When it comes to Safety & Effectiveness,
the TGA simply reviews & assesses
the information provided to them
by the drug companies that
will be distributing and
profiting from the sale
of these products.
Small companies and safe natural products
that can not be patented are therefore NOT
welcomed in the market place by the TGA.
The TGA is funded by the
pharmaceutical industry !!!
Pfizer Vice President Blows Whistle
on Pharmaceutical Industry
The youngest man ever elected to the
Presidency of the United States of America
at the age of forty-three was
John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
“…For the great enemy of truth is
very often not the lie –
deliberate, contrived, and dishonest –
but the myth, persistent, persuasive,
and unrealistic…”
JFK 1962 ~.