… Blood lead level was positively associated with
the number of caries among urban children,
even with adjustment for demographic

and maternal factors and
child dental practices …


The Global Decline in Tooth Decay correlates
with reduced Airborne Lead (Pb) but water
Fluoridation prevents further progress.


Information Supplied by
Dr. Geoffrey Norman Pain 

Full original text    HERE


Fluoride increases the Lead level in blood and in calcified tissues of rodents [Sawan 2010].

Australian median Lead levels in children have not declined since the final cessation of the use of Lead in motor fuel in 2002, indicating Lead from water, food and contaminated soil are still producing unacceptable poisoning of the general population [Taylor 2014]. See our post 

See also ⇒ Lead in Bullets


Most of the world recognizes that the only safe level of Lead is Zero, however Australian agencies including the NHMRC, Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ), the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare have been reluctant to coordinate systematic data collection including blood analysis or to lower allowable or action levels for Lead [Taylor 2014]. 
Their continued endorsement of deliberate Lead contamination through water Fluoridation prevents them from trying to achieve the Zero target.



Reduction of airborne Lead pollution following the phase-out of Tetraethyl Lead in motor fuel is the most plausible explanation for the very large observed global reduction in decay rates and the fact that there is no discernible difference in dental decay rates versus national Fluoridation status. 

The deliberate addition of Lead as a major contaminant of phosphate fertilizer industrial waste used in Fluoridation plus the exacerbation of Plumbosolvency caused by Fluoridation must cease if further reduction in blood Lead levels and tooth decay is to be accomplished.

It is time for the governments of the few remaining countries where Fluoridation persists to place an immediate ban on the practice and force industry to permanently immobilize their toxic waste.

The fact that WHO now rates Fluoride as more toxic than
Lead should be a wake-up call to politicians everywhere. 
~ We thank you for your research ~ 


Plumbosolvency Exacerbated by Water Fluoridation

Gun Ranges Produce Thousands of Tons
of Toxic Pollution Every Year But

Few regulations protect people or the environment
from the lead hazards posed by spent ammo.