Home / British Muslims Opposition to Water Fluoridation

British Muslims Swell Opposition To Water Fluoridation.
Press Release: 6 September 2003.
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On Monday, MPs will give a second reading to the new Water Bill.
A late Government Amendment seeks to give powers to the strategic health authorities to order water companies to fluoridate the drinking water following ‘public consultations’. The water companies require civil and criminal indemnities from Government if they are forced to comply. MPs are being asked to pass the Bill with all its Amendments before any details have been made known.
But late last night, Dr A. Majid Katme, spokesman on medical ethics for the Islamic Medical Association, made an urgent Announcement to The Muslim Council of Britain, to all Muslim Organisations and Leaders, to all Muslim Doctors and to all Imams in Britain.
He said: “Many Muslims abroad and in the UK are against the fluoridation of water for Islamic reasons, for health and medical reasons and for Human rights reasons.”
Dr Katme, who describes himself as a Muslim Campaigner for Pure Drinking Water, has asked those who can come to London at short notice to join with many non-muslims at a protest outside Parliament on 8 September.
“We ask you to join in this great campaign which has been neglected for a long time by most Muslims in Britain. It is a Muslim duty to act quickly and to oppose this criminal Bill,” said Dr Katme.
“We are delighted, but not surprised, to hear Dr Katme’s statement,” said Jane Jones, campaign director for the National Pure Water Association. “Water fluoridation is the deliberate pollution of our drinking water supplies with untested, contaminated industrial grade fluorosilicates. We have sustained this campaign since 1960 and the Green Party has also taken it up.”
On behalf of the Green Party, Spencer Fitzgibbon said: “The appropriate role for politicians is to uphold the European Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine. We would urge them to join with the Greens in doing so.”
Cllr Sue King of Leicestershire has recently set up a Fluoride Exposure Network to help people who suffer the ill effects of fluorides. “The last time Parliament discussed fluoridation was in 1985, when 399 MPs abstained from the vote and allowed the Water Fluoridation Bill to pass into law. Two thirds of the people were effectively disenfranchised on that day. They must not do that again.”
Dr Katme said: “The final holy Book AL QUR’AN contains 63 verses on water and the Creator of All told of the great gift for all life in the drinking water. It is holy and blessed and healthy and safe. Any move to adulterate it is against the teachings of Islam and the Holy Scriptures. It is a Duty on all British muslims to strongly oppose the current Water Bill and to tell our MPs to reject it.”
Cllr Liz Vaughan of North West Councils Against Fluoridation agreed. “Now, with the added support of British Muslims, perhaps, the Government will finally respect the views of the millions of people and their Councils across the UK who strongly oppose water fluoridation. Government must withdraw the offending Amendment.”
Dr A. Majid Katme, telephone: 0208 345 6220 or Mobile 07944 240 622
Spencer Fitzgibbon, The Green Party. 0207 561 0282.
Cllr Liz Vaughan, North West Councils Against Fluoridation.Tel: 01229 885420.
Cllr Sue King, Fluoride Exposure Network. 01455 828778 or Mobile 07976 255364.
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